We offer a 100% satisfaction guaranteed buying experience. If for any reason you are not satisfied you may return any unused or unaltered item within 15 days of receipt for a full refund credit or exchange (minus shipping, handling & credit card charges if applicable). A 15% restocking fee will be enforced to cover labor and operating expenses involved with shipping the product. If the return is an error on our part, we will refund or exchange 100% the cost plus shipping. When returning products, all items must be in original package and have all original paperwork enclosed. Customer must obtain a RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) number and have it written clearly on the package. Any package returned without a RMA number will be refused. To obtain a RMA number please call our customer service department at (303) 431-9929. Please keep all receipts in the event of a shipping error.
We ship via United Parcel Service (UPS). Delivery time is normally within 2 business days for in stock items. Overnight service is always available. Should we temporarily be out of stock you will be notified promptly.
As current laws are written all purchases made out of the state of Colorado are exempt from Colorado state sales tax. Purchases must be shipped out of state with proper documentation. We will always update and advise our customers as the laws change.If you are purchasing for your business, in the state of Colorado, it is required by law to provide a current Colorado State Resale Certificate to our company.
ConstructionI Equipment & Supply Co. is committed to protecting your privacy. Our customers can expect the highest level of confidentiality. The information gathered by Construction Equipment & Supply Co. will never be sold, rented or loaned to any third party. Construction Equipment & Supply Co. will also enforce a “no spamming” policy which implies that customers will not receive e-mail overloads coming from Construction Equipment & Supply Co. E-mail to customers will be used for no other purpose than to inform customers of special sales, delivery confirmations or information that will benefit them. Customers will be given the option to receive the information and to discontinue this practice at any time.
Construction Equipment & Supply's web site will use what is known as SSL (Secure Sockets Layers) for ensuring complete online transaction security. SSL is the industry standard for computers to communicate securely without risk of data interception, manipulation, or recipient impersonation by encrypting the data sent through the Internet. Construction Equipment's e-commerce site will use SSL encryption for all its online transactions.
We make every attempt to avoid errors in pricing and product information, but we are human. If a mistake does occur, we reserve the right to correct it, and we apologize for any inconvenience it may cause. We are here to serve you. Please call Customer Service at 1-303-431-9929 with any questions or concerns.
For any inquill questions accurately and thoroughly. We are always glad to help.ries please call our Customer Service Department toll-free at 1-303-431-9929 Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. EST, or e-mail us at coeqs2@hotmail.com. We will attempt to answer any and all questions.
© 2025 Construction Equipment & Supply Company